2024 Jr Staff Confirmation and Change Request form Congratulations on your acceptance to the Anokijig Jr. Staff Leadership program for 2024. To ensure that all our our data for scheduling matches please complete the form below to confirm your sessions. If you are no longer available for a confirmed session or would like to request a change please indicate that also. Specify * Please Indicate if this is a Cancellation, Confirmation, or Change Request - Select -ConfirmationCancellationChange Request First Name * Last Name * Email * To be sure that our records are correct please Choose "Yes" for all sessions that you are currently confirming from your confirmation email. Choose "No" to those that you are not currently confirmed for. Session 1 (June 16 - 22) - None -YesNo Session 2 (June 23 - 29) - None -YesNo Session 3 (June 30 - July 6) - None -YesNo Session 4 (July 7 - 13) - None -YesNo Session 5 (July 14 - 20) - None -YesNo Session 6 (July 21 - 27) - None -YesNo Session 7 (July 28 - August 3) - None -YesNo Session 8 (August 4 - August 10) - None -YesNo Session 9 (August 11 - 17) Week 9 end time for staff is different, Saturday August 17th, at 5 pm - None -YesNo If you do not cancel a confirmed session at this time we will be counting on your participation. Please be aware that cancellation at later dates closer to camp are very difficult for camp scheduler. Weeks Looking to Cancel. * Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Session 7 Session 8 Session 9 None Weeks Looking to Add. * Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Session 7 Session 8 Session 9 None Need to Change Onsite Training Date? Yes No Please click below to confirm your onsite training session or to request a different one. Please note that if you request a new date we will attempt to grant your request but due to space limitations we cannot guarantee a change. Change Requests will be reviewed weekly. Email confirmations will be sent of all changes if the request is granted. Please note that onsite training session dates may be altered due group size limitations. This will be determined after all participants respond. Activities will take place during the listed date ranges but may be divided into 2 sessions based on demand. If this happens you will be notified of your particular start and end dates within those ranges. Training Dates June 9-14 (Check In: 1:30 pm) June 15-22 (Check In: 4:00 pm) June 30 - July 6 (Check in: 10:00am) Please explain the reason you need to change your onsite training date. Please use this space to communicate any special notes you'd like us to know.